July 21, 1821

21/07/2021 all-day

Norwich, in common with the cities and towns of the kingdom generally, celebrated the Coronation Day of King George IV. The Mayor and Corporation went in procession to the Cathedral, preceded by a troop of the 9th Lancers, commanded by Capt Campbell, 64 Waterloo men wearing their medals, and by the local and constitutional clubs with their flags. The procession was closed in by the Norwich Light Horse Volunteers. After service a roasted bullock, weighing 60 stones, was distributed in the Market Place, with 2,880 penny loaves and several barrels of beer. There was a similar distribution in Ber Street. A dinner took place at St Andrew’s Hall, under the presidency of the Mayor, and at night a display of fireworks was given on a staging erected on the south side of the Market Place. A very elaborate triumphal arch, erected near the Guildhall, was brilliantly illuminated. There were likewise demonstrations at Yarmouth, Lynn and other towns in Norfolk.